It is with great excitement to announce after a two-year absence, due to the covid pandemic, the Hacketstown Easter Parade is back and bigger than ever. A fun family day out for all. Festivities will kick off at 3.00pm on Easter Sunday with Live Music, Adult Floats, Children Floats, Business Floats and a Vintage Display. There are prizes galore as participants take to the street.


– Adult Easter Bonnet: 1st €50 | 2nd €25
– Children’s Easter Bonnet: 1sr €25 | 2nd €15 | 3rd €10
– Children’s Fancy Dress: 1st, 2nd & 3rd

– Adults Floats: 1st €100 | 2nd €70 | 3rd €30
– Children’s Floats: 1st €80 | 2nd €50 | 3rd €30
– Business Floats: 1st €100 | 2nd €50

– Vintage Display, plaques for all entrants

Come along and join the fun. A great day out for everyone.

No entry fee. No quads, scooters or ponies are permitted.